Friday, August 12, 2016

What To Do If Accused Of A DWI

DWI stops are very serious offenses. For those unfamiliar with the terminology, DWI stands for Driving While Intoxicated or Impaired. Depending on the state you live in, the term can also be interchanged with Driving Under the Influence, which is short for DUI. Regardless, punishment can include loss of licensure, whether temporarily or permanent, fines and even jail time. If you are ever accused of a DWI, follow these important steps.

• Have your license and registration visible and hands on the wheel. Police officers assume danger in any situation. Having your license and registration at the ready keeps you from making any sudden movements.

• Exercise the Miranda Right of silence. When you are arrested, you are recited a series of rights, but those rights are in effect as soon as you are pulled over. Say as little as possible, directly answering only questions that establish identity.

• You may decline Field Sobriety Tests and Breathalyzers. Neither one of these will prevent arrest for the alleged crime. Declining will, however, prevent definitive evidence from being used against you.

You should be aware of your state laws concerning DWI charges. If you are ever charged and need to know what options are available, visit this site to consult a DWI attorney in Pembroke.

Front and Rear Collisions

Collisions from the front and back usually occur when someone does an abrupt stop and the driver behind can’t compensate for the sudden stop. These collisions are commonly labeled rear ending or fender benders. Depending on the speed, there can be severe damage.

What To Do After A Collision

To say that being involved is a car accident is an inconvenience is an understatement. Even small collisions can result in big headaches if you are not aware of what to do when involved in an accident. IF a car accident happens, there are several things you can do immediately afterward.

• If you feel injured, stay still. Even injuries that seem minor can cause complications later. If you are uninjured, exit your vehicle carefully and remain on the scene.

• Do not admit fault. Guard your words carefully at the scene. The Miranda clause of “anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law” holds true even before the presence of police.

• Exchange identifying and insurance information. Ask to see actual driver’s license and insurance card. Do not merely accept the person’s word. Copy name, address, and policy numbers.

• Call your insurance company at the scene. They may be able to send a representative right away or offer towing services that can help you avoid public impound lots and fees.

• Take photographs. Most people have smart phones with cameras. Take pictures of the impact points, the scene, even the pavement and the cross sections.

If you’ve been involved in a collision and need legal representation, contact this car accident lawyer and will planning lawyer in Lumberton.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Personal Injury

When a fall, car accident or incident at work causes personal injury, you should seek out the help of a personal injury lawyer. They can represent your case in court and deal with insurance companies and other lawyers.

What Factors Are Considered In A Wrongful Death Case?

Unexpectedly losing a loved one due to the negligence of others is devastating. It can also destroy the lives of those who depended on that person for both emotional and financial support. Filing a wrongful death case may be the answer; however, you may want to first speak with an attorney to understand what factors are considered before compensation is awarded.

Factors That Contributed to the Death

One of the first details an attorney will usually examine in a wrongful death case is what caused the death. Be sure to provide him or her with as many specifics as possible. Even minute details may be important, so do not leave them out.

Whether the Death Was Preventable

One of the most important factors in building a wrongful death suit is whether the death could have been prevented. Create a timeline for your attorney that might include:

• The medical history of the deceased
• What he/she was doing at the time of death
• If anyone witnessed the death

Gather as much proof as possible about these details and submit them to your attorney right away.

Loss of Financial Support

Full compensation can be awarded in a wrongful death suit. However, a judge must be able to gauge the financial impact of the loss. Providing your attorney with financial records may help him or her build a case for a larger award.

Retaining legal services can help improve your understanding of how these cases work. Visit this website to connect with a wrongful death attorney in Clinton today.

Bar Association Award Presented at Law Day Luncheon

The Effingham County Bar Association handed out its annual Distinguished Service Award Thursday at the annual Elks Law Day Luncheon in more

Three Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

Anyone who has been injured in an accident without fault of their own should consider hiring a personal injury attorney to help ensure that they are adequately represented and that their medical expenses and other losses will be covered.

Car or Motorcycle Accident

Perhaps you have been injured either as a pedestrian or a passenger in a vehicle. Through no fault of your own, you are at medical risk and in danger of losing valuable wages. Attorneys understand the intricacies of law and can help you to negotiate terms that will help provide for both your medical expenses and your lost wages due to accident.

Work-Related Injuries

When one suffers a work-related injury, the desire to protect his or her position within a company may act as temptation against seeking compensation for the time, money, and health losses incurred. Contacting a personal injury attorney can help you to determine whether or not you have a case. If you do, you have a responsibility to your family and yourself to seek your day in court.

Injuries on Private or Commercial Property

Injuries take most people by surprise. When they first occur on private or commercial property, embarrassment may keep you from speaking out regarding fault of the property owner. A personal injury attorney can help you see through that embarrassment to understand the value of your case.

For more information regarding hiring a personal injury attorney in Jacksonville, please visit this website.

How An Attorney Can Help You Address Various Motorcycle Accident Injuries

After decades on the road, motorcycles should be given the same opportunity to drive safely as any other vehicle on the road, but many drivers of larger automobiles are not acquainted with the notion of sharing the road. Such road hogging often results in serious injuries to cyclists.


One of the most common injuries resulting from vehicular accidents is whiplash. This injury can cause severe pain and damage to the spinal column. Often dismissed as soreness, the effects of whiplash can be extremely long lasting.

Head and Brain

The effects of damage to the skull can be devastating. Results may include nerve loss, disfigurement, brain damage, and even death. If you or someone who matters to you has suffered such an injury, the need to contact an attorney is great. Medical expenses and loss of wages can lead to financial ruin, but an experienced personal injury attorney can help make sure your rights and finances are protected.

Paraplegia or Quadriplegia

In some cases, people injured in motorcycle accidents may never have full use of their limbs again. Devastatingly disabled, their medical expenses associated with the accident will stretch throughout their lives. In such cases, personal injury attorneys can help to make sure adequate compensation is acquired to ensure that their futures are not filled with debt and prolonged trauma.

For more information on engaging a motorcycle accident lawyer in Wilmington, please visit this website.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Law firm with tech expertise has acquired 'Fixed' ticket-fighting app

A smartphone-application-based business that helps individuals fight tickets has been acquired by a law firm with an unusual emphasis on more

3 Reasons To Retain A Lawyer After A Dog Bite

Thousands of people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States. Many incidents go unresolved because victims do not know how to seek compensation for their injuries. If you have suffered a dog bite, retaining a lawyer can aid you in a number of ways.

1. To Avoid Further Confrontation

Pet owners can become defensive of their dogs after a biting incident. Having legal representation can prevent further animosity between you and the owner. This may help to resolve the issue more quickly.

2. To Reduce Stress

Trying to handle a dog bite case on your own can be emotionally stressful. However, having a lawyer to prepare the case for you can help prevent these stress-related issues:

• Insomnia
• Physical symptoms (headache, digestive upset)
• Unstable moods

The more your lawyer can take on when he or she represents you, the more you can focus on healing from your injuries.

3. To Communicate with Insurance Companies

Homeowners’ insurance companies may drag their feet when it comes to offering compensation. Your attorney will use their extensive knowledge of the law to help you win full compensation. This may help you resolve the incident faster that you could on your own.

Hiring an attorney to help you win a dog bite case afford you a number of advantages and may improve your chances of winning a court case. To connect with a dog bite attorney in Wilmington, visit this website.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

3 Actions To Take Right Away After A Slip And Fall Accident

Getting injured in a slip and fall accident is common. However, when it occurs through no fault of your own, it is important to know what to do next. After this type of accident, there are three actions you may want to take as soon as possible to protect yourself and help you prove that the property owner is liable.

1. Have Your Injuries Assessed

After a slip and fall accident, have a doctor assess you. Not all injuries are readily apparent, and neck, back and brain injuries can show up days or even weeks later. Being seen by a physician will prove that you sought medical treatment right away, which can help strengthen your case if it goes to court in the future.

2. Take Photos of the Area

Have a friend or loved one take photos of what caused you to slip and fall. Document everything you possibly can that stands as proof of negligence:

• Unsalted, icy walkways or entranceways
• Unmarked wet floors
• Unsafe stairs

3. Contact an Attorney

Dealing with a slip and fall accident on your own can be difficult. It can be especially so if you were badly injured. An attorney who is experienced in this area can help you collect money from those liable for medical bills, missed time off work and more.

Time is of the essence when filing a negligence suit. To speak with a slip and fall attorney in Jacksonville today, visit this website.