Thursday, July 28, 2016

Law firm with tech expertise has acquired 'Fixed' ticket-fighting app

A smartphone-application-based business that helps individuals fight tickets has been acquired by a law firm with an unusual emphasis on more

3 Reasons To Retain A Lawyer After A Dog Bite

Thousands of people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States. Many incidents go unresolved because victims do not know how to seek compensation for their injuries. If you have suffered a dog bite, retaining a lawyer can aid you in a number of ways.

1. To Avoid Further Confrontation

Pet owners can become defensive of their dogs after a biting incident. Having legal representation can prevent further animosity between you and the owner. This may help to resolve the issue more quickly.

2. To Reduce Stress

Trying to handle a dog bite case on your own can be emotionally stressful. However, having a lawyer to prepare the case for you can help prevent these stress-related issues:

• Insomnia
• Physical symptoms (headache, digestive upset)
• Unstable moods

The more your lawyer can take on when he or she represents you, the more you can focus on healing from your injuries.

3. To Communicate with Insurance Companies

Homeowners’ insurance companies may drag their feet when it comes to offering compensation. Your attorney will use their extensive knowledge of the law to help you win full compensation. This may help you resolve the incident faster that you could on your own.

Hiring an attorney to help you win a dog bite case afford you a number of advantages and may improve your chances of winning a court case. To connect with a dog bite attorney in Wilmington, visit this website.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

3 Actions To Take Right Away After A Slip And Fall Accident

Getting injured in a slip and fall accident is common. However, when it occurs through no fault of your own, it is important to know what to do next. After this type of accident, there are three actions you may want to take as soon as possible to protect yourself and help you prove that the property owner is liable.

1. Have Your Injuries Assessed

After a slip and fall accident, have a doctor assess you. Not all injuries are readily apparent, and neck, back and brain injuries can show up days or even weeks later. Being seen by a physician will prove that you sought medical treatment right away, which can help strengthen your case if it goes to court in the future.

2. Take Photos of the Area

Have a friend or loved one take photos of what caused you to slip and fall. Document everything you possibly can that stands as proof of negligence:

• Unsalted, icy walkways or entranceways
• Unmarked wet floors
• Unsafe stairs

3. Contact an Attorney

Dealing with a slip and fall accident on your own can be difficult. It can be especially so if you were badly injured. An attorney who is experienced in this area can help you collect money from those liable for medical bills, missed time off work and more.

Time is of the essence when filing a negligence suit. To speak with a slip and fall attorney in Jacksonville today, visit this website.